发布日期:2022-06-06 11:58 浏览次数:
热电冷联产是指以燃气为能源,能同时满足区域建筑物内的冷、热、电需求的一种能源供应系统,通常由发电机组、溴化锂 吸收式冷(热)水机组和换热设备组成。热电冷联产系统将高品位能源用于发电,发电机组排放的低品位能源(烟气余热、热水余热) 用于供热或制冷,实现能源的梯级利用,提高能源的综合利用率。
CCHP system is a kind of energy supply system which taking gas as fuel.it can meet the cooling, heating and power supply requirement at the same time.it forms by generator set. Lithium bromide hot (cold) water units and heat exchange. The CCHP system supply power with high grade energy and supply heat or cold with low grade energy (waste heat of exhaust or hot water).in that way, it improved the rate of multipurpose utilization for energy.
CCHP system schematic diagram

热电冷联供系热电冷联供系统能量利用率分布 Analysis for energy efficiency of CCHP system
(Different models of different utilization rate, for reference only)